Who Dropped You?

If you know me, it's no secret of my struggle with church people. To my friends who do not go to church, that may sound very odd to you. I don't struggle with every person who goes to church. But I just struggle with those who have gone to church, have a big bible, know the songs, are there at the church whenever the doors are open, and they love no one but those who buy into their sub-culture. These are the folks who have dropped generation after generation of people all in order to hang on to their territory.
I look at the teens who are growing up today, and my heart aches for them. They have no role model. The girls have Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie to look up to, while more guys are growing up without dads with each new generation that comes into existence. A large rate of girls growing up are abusing themselves by cutting, while a large number of the guys are struggling with porn, self esteem, and little direction for the future. We cant drop these guys.
I saw this passage: Jonathan son of Saul had a son who was lame in both feet. He was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel. His nurse picked him up and fled, but as she hurried to leave, he fell and became crippled. His name was Mephibosheth.
Mephibosheth was dropped, and now he is crippled in both of his feet.
My question is this: "Who dropped you?" "Who did you trust, and they dropped you?" It's amazing how many people I have met who have been dropped in church settings. My wife told me of a pastor of a United Methodist church who recently was caught having an affair. At that same church, the treasurer had embezzeled $100,000.
At another church, a woman couldnt show her face anymore after the church discovered her marital problems, and held a press conference to discuss at a recent dinner.
Maybe you were dropped by your parents. Maybe through abuse. Maybe through neglect.
Is it possible that you had a relationship go south, and you dont know why? But now you feel that the person whom you trusted has wounded you so deeply that there is just no hope for repair.
The good news is this. Just as King David showed kindness to Mephibosheth by inviting him to sit at his table the rest of his life; we have a God who accepts us, wounds and all, and desires that we sit at his table for all of eternity.
My hope is this; no matter the wound; no matter how it happened; if you have been dropped, dont let it be your identity, and dont allow it to be your eternal destiny. God knows what you have been through and His invitation to sit at His table is just as much for you as anyone else. Will you accept His invite?


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