Prodigal Son

Jesus tells this remarkable story of a son who takes his inheiritance from his father before the man is dead. He then squanders it all on irresponsible living. He reaches rock bottom when he has no money and no more friends.

There is this period between between sin and punishment called pleasure. We may be having fun when we are going wild. But there is no such thing as a consequence free life. As a teen, I was having a lot of fun at Michigan State University. I would be lying if I told you that I wasnt. The problem is when the drinking, and the irresponsible decisions affect more than you. It affects those around you too.

So this son was having a great time. But the money runs out. He gets a job where he is feeding slop to pigs. And the slop is starting to look like good food to him. That's when he came to his senses and realized that he is better than that.

Three things for us to know: 1. Sin takes you further than you ever intended to go. 2. Sin keeps you longer than you ever wanted to stay. 3. Sin costs you more than what you would ever wanted to pay.

This part of the story is shocking to the people who are hearing this from Jesus. To the Jews, nothing is more disgusting than being around a pig, and this dude is rolling with the pigs. He realizes that he is better than that.

We need a society that realizes that we are better than that. Girls, you dont have to dress like a hoochie mama to get a mans attention. Guys, you dont have to turn to porn. You all are better than that. You dont have to take part in the work gossip. You dont have to get involved with telling dirty jokes. You dont have to tear people down to get ahead. You are better than that.

Now here is the neat part of Jesus' story. In a regular family, when a son takes his inheiritance from his dad, his dad does not have to respond to him. He doesnt even have to acknowledge him. But in this case, Jesus tells us about our Heavenly Father and His heart for us.

The dad is constantly looking in the direction of where his son would be when he comes home. And when the boy came home, the father ran out to greet him. He gave him a robe, his ring, and threw a kickin party complete with Tom Jones CD's. (No song screams party like "It's Not Unusual.") The boy had an apology speech, but basically the father excitedly says, "shut up and come home." Our God has that heart. No matter where you have been, no matter what you have done. He is constantly looking in your direction, hoping that you will come home.

As the holidays come around, and you are thinking about being home for the holidays, how about just shutting up and coming home to the Heavenly Father who loves you beyond anything you could ever measure.


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