Why Do I Do What I Do?

Hi, my name is David, and I am a pastor. (Hi David!) I never intended to be a pastor. It just happened over a period of 21 years. I know I dont fit the mold of what people think a pastor ought to be. I dont wear a suit. I dont sit around holding hands with needy people. I dont end every sentence with "God bless your soul." I still listen to secular music. I do crack up once in a while when I read the bible and remember a wise crack from Sam Kinison. I prefer to dress casual. And I really enjoy hanging out with the sinners of this world. It gets even better when we discuss spiritual things.

It seems to be the chic thing right now to rip on the traditional institution that we call church. And why not? It is so easy to do it. There are so many churches filled with dysfunctional people. It's almost comedic. I mean there are people who are in leadership roles in a church that could never, ever obtain such a role in the secular world. I feel that we got so wrapped up in impressing others with how many people we could get into Sunday morning, that we compromised our vision for what church could be.

I took on a church in Snover, Mi. that had over 30 years worth of issues. I would have to write a book to go over the confrontations that I have dealt with in the Snover church alone. The church I am at today has been through 16 pastors in 40 years for various reasons. That means a new pastor every 2.3 years. Why would I put myself through this?

The church (not just Meadowood), is anyone who would believe in Christ. Jesus refers to the church as his bride. Essentially, when we rip on the church (which is so easy to do), we are actually telling Jesus, "I like you, but I cant stand your wife."

As bride's of Christ, we need to get our act together. People dont seek out a house church for a wedding, funeral, or when they have issues. I am finding out that as much as I enjoy the Mega Churches, there are plenty who dont. They still come to the "traditional" church. My hope is that I can build something that when those people come, they can get comfort, guidance, and direction. I dream of building a church where hospitality is not a fad, worship is passionate, and generosity never runs out of style. I want my church to be a place where we understand that we are to live by higher standards, and that we can live out those standards naturally. In a culture that prizes individualism and rights, the unity and grace of Gods family (the bride of Christ) should stand out. As they watch us, nonbelievers will see Jesus deep love and sacrifice come to life.


  1. Dollinger, We need more men like you in the world. Men of God not worried about image or whats at risk to themselves. I'll be praying for you.(BTW Pet Peeve of mine is when Christians say they are going to pray for someone and don't) What Church are you at now?


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