We Must Be Respectable, But To Whom?

'He must also have a good reputation with outsiders" (1 Timothy 3;7)
I was fortunate to serve 5 years at Wesley Free Methodist in Waukegan, Illinois. The issues that I faced there was so different than anything I have seen at other churches. When I served in Waukegan, it was a vibrant, healthy, selfless church with a strong young adult base. Many of those who attended there had friends outside of the faith, and did well to represent our church, and Jesus.
I cant say that about other churches that I have served at. The other Free Methodist Churches that I have served in have for the most part, been self serving. Now there are people at those churches who are heavily offended by my statement, and will argue that the people who attend those churches are highly respectable, they just choose to not be like the world.
Highly Respectable to whom?
My observation has been this: We have given up our witness to outsiders in exchange for unlikable people who have bought into "our" Christian sub-culture.
In one church, we had two sisters that served on the board together. But they didnt talk to each other for over 20 years. And get this, they live around the corner from each other. Why wasnt this confronted? Even the non-believers now how to forgive family members. Wouldnt they too think this was odd?
In another setting, I have watched people who were considered "pillars of the church." They have served in core leadership positions, filled pulpits as speakers,led in prayer, taught Sunday School, made important decisions that set the direction of churches, but yet, their marriages stink. I am not talking about something that is silent behind closed doors. I have talked with non-christian neighbors and family friends who have given me insight of their observations. I know many non-Christians who really enjoy their marriages, and are put off by the church leaders who dont put the effort to put value into their own marriage.
Our churches are so desparate to fill seats in the pews, and have money in the offering, we arent holding our membership accountable to living Godly lives for the non-Christians to see.
It seems that if you own a bible, and have a clue to where certain books of the bible are, and if you enjoy our songs, and if you are willing to participate in our ministries, and if you are giving regularly of your finance, you are in.
My friends, that is the definition of shallow holiness.
In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that he has come to give us life, and live it to the full. This means that the way of Jesus is the best way to live. If this is not true, than Jesus is a liar.
Now, when we get to heaven, we will get to worship forever, walk on streets of gold, and experience no more pain. I get that. But once we get to heaven, we dont get to share Jesus with our non-Christian friends and family anymore. You only have one life to do it. And your life expresses who Jesus is to you more than any word or speech imaginable.
I am calling myself and my church to a higher standard of living and obedience, and I pray that the Christians in the USA would seek higher standards. Being a follower of Christ does not happen because you buy into a certain sub-culture. Being a follower means you are doing all that you can to live in obedience to God out of love and passion for Him who saves you.
What in your life is a turnoff to the average Joe around you? If you dont know, ask God to show you so that you may grow and mature in your faith. Dont be a stumbling block with your lifestyle. Ezekial warns us "When I say to a wicked man, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood." Our lifestyle has to back up your words! If not, our words and our efforts have no power. The blood of their souls might as well be on our hands.


  1. I enjoyed your blog. We have been attending our local UMC but have come to realize that their leadership is not willing to "calling myself and my church to a higher standard of living and obedience" They are looking to be politically correct. I wish we lived close a Free Methodist congregation. The UMC is much like what you described in your past experiences with past churches in the FM. That is sad. I will join you in praying for them to move toward a Christ centered desire to show love for one another and be good witnesses for Christ sake. Blessings Charles

  2. Thank you for your comment Charles. Sorry it took so long to respond.
    One of the reasons why I refer myself as a fuzzy free methodist is that it seems our denomination is a bit bi-polar. I have posted this on our website and on facebook. Many have liked what I said, but many think I am way off base. We are struggling for a solid definition of Holiness. I feel that Jesus summed up all 613 laws of the Old Testament as this, "Love God Passionately, and overflow in that love for others." (paraphrase of Matt. 22:37) I will be praying for your church and your journey. God Bless and Love Wins!!


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