
I have been in the ministry since 1995. I have experienced some real highs in ministry and real lows. It's easy to praise God and sing all the happy songs when things are going real well. But when things don't go so well, it seems that our joy is robbed. I find myself falling into a bad, even evil mindset that when things aren't so good, that God owes me. That is called entitlement. It's toxic and from the pit of hell.

I have found entitlement to creep in on me in three different ways. (1) I find my self saying that God owes me because I gave up a comfortable job to go into full-time ministry. (2) When things aren't going so well, I want to remind people of my resume, and all my successes. I tend to forget those successes were mine to enjoy in him. (3) When things aren't going so well, I go back to old wounds of the past. In each of these cases, I want to remind God that he owes me. It sounds silly doesn't it.

Maybe I am the only one who has done this and no one can relate. But we develop a point system, and we want to remind everyone of all the great things that we did. But in all reality, I can't even compare on points with God. Imagine sitting down with God, and being bold enough to tell God to bring his list of all the good he has done. And you are so humble, that you will let God go first. His list includes:Oceans, mountains, rivers, streams...You are thinking, "this is not looking good already." Grand canyon, lake Michigan, pasta, Oxygen, holding hands with someone you love, Sunshine, snowflakes that are all different, Watching a child walk for the first time, Salsa, James brown, freedom, a good book, Mother Theresa, Peace, quiet, joy, serenity, tranquility, Football, White blood cells, red blood cells, dna, brains, bones, skin, Eyes, ears, lips, mouth, nose, toes, fingers, pizza, A wet burrito from the bowling alley A hamburger you have grilled yourself, The smell of Rosalie Kohn's fresh bread.You don't want to get into this contest with God.Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet', Lou Rawls, Mendelson, Dickenson, Frost, Hawthorn, Helen Keller, trees, Leaves that change color in the fall That feeling when you plunge your hands into the soil, Your feet in the lake on a hot summer day,That euphoric buzz after you smack a golf ball a great distance and its still on the fairway, Wisdom, energy, a new idea, a warm embrace, a great movie, A night in with some friends, Dancing, breathing, laughing, walking, Star Wars, A new hair cut, the smell of fresh cut grass from the mowed lawn and God pauses, and says, "I could go on forever."Literally he can.

I need to be reminded, I am just a servant doing my duty. God owes me nothing. If I continue to feel this entitlement, I will be robbed of my joy. God never intended us to live without joy."Suppose one of you had a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Would he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, 'Come along now and sit down to eat'? Would he not rather say, 'Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink'? Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.' " - Jesus from Luke 17:7-10


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