Asking Someone to Dance
Years ago when I was in high school, I went to a teen club with some friends in Waterford Township. There was a girl across the dance floor who was amazingly hot. To quote Thin Lizzy, "I mean she was steamin." My friends pushed me and prodded me and finally shamed me into asking this girl to dance.
Now it was my senior year of high school, and I have had girlfriends before, but I never just walked up to a girl and asked her dance, nor have I tried to strike up a conversation.The walk across the floor seem to be a mile long. I felt like every eye in the room was on me. And as I tried hard to not hyperventiliate. But yet I did it, I asked that girl to dance. Does anyone else know this feeling? She now has control of where this relationship will go. She could either accept my invitation or reject it. She now has control of where this is going.
It's the same with God. In Philippians 2:5-8 it says, "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross! The All-Powerful God empties Himself of all His power to walk on earth in the form of Jesus for one thing; us. You and me. He creates the world.
We are talking about the same God who gave us the solar system, DNA, babies, Grand Canyon, the coral reef, thousands of different kinds of fish, thousands of different colors, leaves that explode into different shapes, and all different shades of orange, red, and yellow; a human brain, Niagara Falls, people of all different shapes, sizes, and color. And God can make taste, touch, and sensation. And God can bring us hope, and faith, and love, friends, and people to carry your burdens with you. And that smell when you favorite meal is being cooked. And that moment when you are about to dive into a body of water on a hot day.
But He cant do everything. God cant make us love Him. Why? Because in love, God plays by the same rules that you and I play with. A loving person is not controlling, and a controlling person is not a loving person. God can make your heart, but He cant make it beat for Him.The Easter story is a tale of a God who loves you and me so much that He empties Himself of His power, and pursues us and asks us if we would dance with Him.
He approached you first. Now the power and direction of the relationship is in your control. You get to choose whether you will walk with Him or not; be tight with Him or not; be close with Him or not; to serve Him or not. It's your choice. God is love. And a loving person is not a controlling person, and a controlling person is not a loving person.
Now back to that girl at that teen club. I asked her to dance. She blew me off and told me to go away. I responded as any rejected would, "Dont be picky. I wasnt."God is very picky, and He picks you. Will you dance with Him?
Now it was my senior year of high school, and I have had girlfriends before, but I never just walked up to a girl and asked her dance, nor have I tried to strike up a conversation.The walk across the floor seem to be a mile long. I felt like every eye in the room was on me. And as I tried hard to not hyperventiliate. But yet I did it, I asked that girl to dance. Does anyone else know this feeling? She now has control of where this relationship will go. She could either accept my invitation or reject it. She now has control of where this is going.
It's the same with God. In Philippians 2:5-8 it says, "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross! The All-Powerful God empties Himself of all His power to walk on earth in the form of Jesus for one thing; us. You and me. He creates the world.
We are talking about the same God who gave us the solar system, DNA, babies, Grand Canyon, the coral reef, thousands of different kinds of fish, thousands of different colors, leaves that explode into different shapes, and all different shades of orange, red, and yellow; a human brain, Niagara Falls, people of all different shapes, sizes, and color. And God can make taste, touch, and sensation. And God can bring us hope, and faith, and love, friends, and people to carry your burdens with you. And that smell when you favorite meal is being cooked. And that moment when you are about to dive into a body of water on a hot day.
But He cant do everything. God cant make us love Him. Why? Because in love, God plays by the same rules that you and I play with. A loving person is not controlling, and a controlling person is not a loving person. God can make your heart, but He cant make it beat for Him.The Easter story is a tale of a God who loves you and me so much that He empties Himself of His power, and pursues us and asks us if we would dance with Him.
He approached you first. Now the power and direction of the relationship is in your control. You get to choose whether you will walk with Him or not; be tight with Him or not; be close with Him or not; to serve Him or not. It's your choice. God is love. And a loving person is not a controlling person, and a controlling person is not a loving person.
Now back to that girl at that teen club. I asked her to dance. She blew me off and told me to go away. I responded as any rejected would, "Dont be picky. I wasnt."God is very picky, and He picks you. Will you dance with Him?
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