How Far Can Your Faith Be Reached?

Yesterday we showed a video of this guy named Paul who existed a couple thousand years ago. Long story short, Paul is traveling with some companions into new territories when a fortune teller comes out and taunts this guy and his crew. She is following them around screaming, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved." After a few days of this this guy casts the demon out of her. Her boss is upset because this gal cant tell fortunes anymore and his business is down the tubes. So the boss has Paul and his partner Silas was arrested and beaten.
The bible tells us that after they were beaten by the guards, Paul and Silas were chained up. Their only response was to pray and sing praise songs to God. The bible says that everyone was listening, the prisoners and the guards. Later that night, an earthquake hits. The chains fall off of all the prisoners, and they have a chance to escape. The guard is ready to kill himself over this situation. Paul tells him its okay, no prisoners have left. Paul ends up leading the guard and his whole family to faith in Jesus Christ.
Its a pretty cool story. Its amazing the impact we can have on people when we are going through tough times and we dont let go of our faith in God.
33 years ago, a bunch of students in Iran stormed the US Embassy and took a 52 Americans hostage. One of those hostages was the son of Reverand Earl Lee in California. Janine Tartaglia (now Metcalf) covered the story for KNBC. She interviewed the family numerous times as they wondered whether or not their son would live. Long story short, over that period of time, Janine was moved by their faith in God through this long, difficult, and agonizing process. She showed up at a church service run by Reverand Lee during the moment of time when they would find out if their son was killed, or set free. They didnt know, but they sang to God with a lot of joy. It was at that service that Janine gave her life to Jesus.
13 years later, Janine was a speaker at a Laymens Retreat in Missouri. I was in attendance. I was moved by her testimony of what God did in her life. I gave my life over to Jesus.
We can say its a chain reaction. How you react when you are going through tough times says what you believe about your faith in God. People are watching. They want to know if we really believe it.
One mans faith 32 years ago affects the faith of a reporter, that effects the faith of a would be minister, who I hope is having an effect on you. How far is you faith reaching?


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