I Dont Think That I Am In The Shape I Am In

I was with my wife and youngest daughter last year at the Sand Dunes along the shore of Lake Michigan near New Buffalo last summer. Emily and I saw this huge sand dune and people walking on top of it, along with some knuckleheads rolling down at top speed. So we decided to climb straight up the dune. Emily had no issues climbing the dune. I myself had some issues. The climb was steep, and my legs would get buried ankle deep in sand with every step I took. About half way up the dune, I am breathing heavy and sweating. About 50 feet later, my legs are weak and my heart is pounding. I was less than 50 feet from the top and I physically could not make it. I sat and rested at a bush and positioned myself so that I wouldnt roll down the dune uncontrollably. Emily made it without issue and encouraged me to get up there with her and look at the view of Lake Michigan. I wanted to, but I simply couldnt. I was even afraid that I might not be able to walk down the dune. After 15 minutes of rest, Emily and I walked down the dune and safely made it back to the car.

10 years ago, I could conquer that with no issue. 10 years ago, I could still run 3-5 miles. Today, I am so out of shape, I dont think I can run a mile in less than 10 minutes. I thought I had a little left in the tank. I work 8-12 hours a day carry a lot of heavy equipment. But I guess the job isnt building up cardio.

Thousands of years ago, Jesus met this guy who the Bible labels as the Rich Young Ruler. This guy thinks he is in great shape. He approaches Jesus to ask him what the next step is to eternal life because he has kept all of the commandments since he was a kid. He is ready for the next step. It's like he is telling Jesus, "bring it on" because he feels that he is in fantastic spiritual shape.

Jesus basically tells this guy, "Yeah, you are doing good. Here is the next step, sell everything that you have and then follow me." The sad part is that the Rich Young Ruler wouldnt do it. He just turned and walked away.

Lets face it. We all went judgmental on this guy when we saw the story on flannelgraph when we were kids. But the problem is that you and I are that guy!! We sing these amazing songs of promise to God, and then when we have the opportunity to follow through with that promise during the week, we have that one thing that owns us and we sadly hang on to that and walk away from God. It's as if we are telling God that He is not enough for that particular issue.

"God, you are good enough for grace at Suppertime, but not good enough for my finance."

"God, you are good enough for an hour on Sunday, but not for this unhealthy relationship with this woman who is my confidant, but not my wife. And please dont let my wife know the bond that I have with this other woman."

"God I believe that you are good enough to other people that you could heal them and provide for them if they follow and trust you. But you have to understand why I do what I do at work, because I have a raise and bonus at stake, not to mention the possible upcoming promotion."

"God, you are good enough to help that homeless person, but I dont trust you when you ask me to forgive that person who wounded me......even if it was 20 years ago."

I dont think we have to look to hard inside of ourselves to see what owns us and what we dont trust God with. The day will come when you and I come face to face with our maker. Its inevitable. But how are we going to feel when we come face to face with Him? Will we have the fear of guilt and shame because we have held on to our own baggage and told God that we dont trust Him with it?

It's like if I invite you over to my house for dinner, and you decide to bring a box with you and hang on to it. Inside of the box is your poop. It's stinky and nasty, but its yours. But it is my house. I would want to punch you in the throat. But yet thats what we do each Sunday when we come to church. We bring in our poop and we tell God "this is mine and I will keep control of this."

The fact is that God has never intended you to live a life of things controlling you. If you are in a relationship with a person of the opposite sex and you are confiding stuff to them that you wouldnt share with your spouse, get out of it. Hiding that stuff from you spouse and the constant need to defend your relationship controls you.

If you have a reltionship with someone who you constantly gossip with about others, get out of it. Gossip tears others down and is toxic and from the pit of hell.

If you are cheating your finances, stop it!

When we do this stuff we are not in the spiritual shape that we think we are in. We are the ones who are building up the wall between us and God. God is inviting us into a life free from guilt, free from shame, free from fear, free from bitterness. He invites us to trust Him. He invites us to live life to the fullest.

Mark 10:17-22


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