The Lost Virtue of Honor

A couple of months ago I was at the home of an elderly lady setting up her new wheelchair. Our conversation led to my revealing to her that I am a pastor also. She told me that her grandson has no use for her church but would probably like mine because I seem so young. Just then her grandson enters the room. He is 15 years old, has a mullet, and is wearing a "Thug Life" t-shirt. I forgot to mention that this home was in a section of South Bend that I refer to as South Bendtucky. Anyways, this kind lady tells her grandson that I am also a minister. He then proudly tells me that God is a number one priority in his life followed by his weed then his hoes. The sad thing was, he was serious.
He is no different than many of us in this country. He has taken an extraordinary God and made Him ordinary. How do we do that? We act like its a big deal to give God our Sunday mornings. Its as if we are giving Him a one hour shout out. Then we just go on with our lives without giving him much thought to our daily routine. We might say grace before dinner. We might even buy a Christian CD every now and then. But the tragic thing is we just dont honor God in the way that He is due.
Mark 6:1-6 tells us the story of how Jesus went back to his hometown and the people were amazed at His teaching and His miracles. But by verse 3 they were bringing Him back down to size. "Isnt this the carpenter?" "Arent his brothers and sisters named James...." Jesus was no longer extraordinary. He was just ordinary. Shockingly enough, the Bible tells us that he could not do miracles there because of their lack of faith.
If your life has been empty, maybe you should examine it and see if you have dishonored God by making him ordinary. You shouldnt expect Him to do miracles in your life when you choose not to live a life that Honors God.
You are not ordinary in God's eyes. You are of extreme value to Him. He gave His only Son so that you may live with God in intimate relationship for all of eternity. Examine your life. Do you dishonor people by tearing them down? Do you dishonor God by making Him ordinary?
I want to encourage you to take that next step that goes from believing in Him to believing Him. Believe that He will make you extraordinary. Believe that His spirit will give you power to do things in this life that you cannot do in your own strength. Believe His great love for you. Believe his plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Believe his forgiveness of your past, and anxieties of your future.
Believing Him Honors Him


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