Not Why, But Who?

I love the Rocky movies. My favorites are the Oscar award winning "Rocky," and I did love the final installment Rocky Balboa. But I loved Rocky III. When the movie begins, we see our hero living it up as a celebrity. He is making a lot of money fighting against lesser opponents, making commercials and numerous tv appearances. The moment of tension comes after he gets his clock cleaned by Klubber Lang (Mr. T) and watches his close friend and manager, Mickey, die all in the same night. He begins to question if his championship run was a fraud. He begins to question if he is a fraud.
Of all people, Apollo Creed, Rocky's first nemesis comes to inspire Rocky to win the title back. For this to happen, Rocky has to change his fighting style, and he must believe in himself. What would you think would be easier for Rocky? Change how he has done things? Or believe in himself?
In the bible, many of you know the story of Jesus walking on water. Peter walked out to him. He sees the wind and the waves, and begins to sink. Many of us have ripped Peter because we believe that he took his eyes off of Jesus, and began to sink. I have news for you. No where in the bible does it say that Peter took his eyes off of Jesus. One thing I do know is this: When we go through the storms of life, visibility of the savior is low. When you are going through a storm, it's hard to maintain focus on Jesus.
When Peter was sinking into the water, he began to scream for Jesus to save him. Then Jesus pulled him out of the water and asked those words, "Why do you doubt?"
I dont believe that Peter doubted Jesus. He could have called those chumps who stayed inside the boat to save him. But he didnt, he called on the savior. I believe that he doubted himself. He doubted that he coud receive that power that was given to him.
Peter is no different than you and me. Many of us will say that we believe in the Virgin birth. We believe in the miracles that God did in the bible. We believe that Jesus died and rose from the grave. But we doubt that God will perform a miracle in our finances, family, or relationships. We have faith in God, but we dont believe that God has faith in us. He entrusts us with his Holy Spirit. He gives us power. The question is do you believe it? Do you receive it?
You may say that it is prideful to say that we can live in the power of God.
But what is prideful is when we believe that our actions, no matter how good, or how bad, cancels out the plan of God in our life. Your sins do not cancel His plans. His Grace is big enough.
So who do you doubt? Do you doubt God? Or do you doubt what God wants to do through yourself?


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