Prodigal Son
Jesus tells this remarkable story of a son who takes his inheiritance from his father before the man is dead. He then squanders it all on irresponsible living. He reaches rock bottom when he has no money and no more friends. There is this period between between sin and punishment called pleasure. We may be having fun when we are going wild. But there is no such thing as a consequence free life. As a teen, I was having a lot of fun at Michigan State University. I would be lying if I told you that I wasnt. The problem is when the drinking, and the irresponsible decisions affect more than you. It affects those around you too. So this son was having a great time. But the money runs out. He gets a job where he is feeding slop to pigs. And the slop is starting to look like good food to him. That's when he came to his senses and realized that he is better than that. Three things for us to know: 1. Sin takes you further than you ever intended to go. 2. Sin keeps you longer t...