
Showing posts from February, 2010


There was a auto accident in Kentucky. The man who drove the pickup truck had to explain why he caused the accident and why he had burn marks on his neck. I heard about this on the radio so this must be true. This guy and his wife were learning about the new shock collar they bought their dog. They wanted to know how far the signal would reach. So he puts the collar on around his neck, and tells his wife that he will drive his truck over the hill, and when he honks his horn, she is to push the button to activate a shock on the collar. So he drives his truck over the hill and hits his horn, she presses the button sending her husband into excrutiating pain. He swerves into the oncoming lane where another truck in approaching. That truck hits its horn, so the man's wife hears the horn and presses the button again causing her husband to continue to swerve. Well there was a car behind her husbands truck that then honked it's horn. Hearing the horn, the woman hits the button...